Postoperative rehabilitation is crucial for ensuring optimal recovery and long-term success following surgery. Surgery often impacts mobility, strength, posture, and flexibility. Rehabilitation helps patients regain lost function, enabling them to return to daily activities more quickly, safely, and efficiently.
Techniques used in rehabilitation, such as lymphatic massage, soft tissue mobilization, scar work, physical agent modalities, and specific exercises help manage pain, reduce inflammation, improve range of motion, and promote healing. Proper postoperative rehabilitation ensures that the surgery achieves its intended purpose, and that the functional and aesthetic results are optimized. Post-surgery, muscles and tissues may be weakened. Rehabilitation strengthens these areas to prevent further injury or strain.
The physical challenges of surgical recovery can be mentally taxing. Many people do not recognize that all surgeries result in some functional changes that may be very limiting during the recovery process and beyond. Rehabilitation provides a structured pathway that fosters confidence, reduces anxiety, and improves overall mental well-being. A tailored rehabilitation program considers the type of surgery, the patient’s age, lifestyle, and overall health, ensuring a recovery process suited to individual needs. At our center in Los Gatos postoperative recovery is a partnership between the patient and healthcare providers, focusing on achieving the best possible recovery, surgical outcome, and quality of life after surgery.